If you think that your AIS transponder is not transmitting your position then this procedure might help you. The first step is to check if your AIS transponder is actually transmitting. If you are then sure that your AIS transponder is not transmitting then the next part explains you the factors to check.   1 – Check if your AIS is transmitting or not   With ProAIS2 or iAISTX/AIT5000 Web Interface Using the proAIS2 configuration software or the iAISTX/AIT5000 web interface allows you to see if the GPS position is OK. You can monitor the AIS reception of other vessels. As well as ensure thatRead More →

With the unit fully powered up i.e. connect power and wait >1 minute for it to boot up, using the supplied SIM removal clip or some other blunt pointed object, gently press and hold the small Reset Switch on the front face of the unit, for at least 5 seconds as detailed below for the Factory Reset function…. The reset button has two functions: Reboot the device. If the reset button is pressed for up to 4 seconds, the device will reboot. Start of the reboot will be indicated by the flashing of all 5 signal strength LEDs together with the green connection status LED.Read More →

If you have the Seatalk to USB converter, then you don’t need any extra cables   If you have the Seatalk to NMEA 0183 converter then you will need an NMEA0183/RS422/RS232 to USB adaptor cable, but the procedure is the same.   Please download the Tech Note that explains the procedure. It is the same procedure for our ST-NMEA, iKonvert and GPS160 products, that all have an STM32 micro. Also download the latest V2.08 firmware. This is a ZIP file which you will need to unzip and there is just one BIN file inside. This is the file that you upload to the ST-NMEA converter.Read More →

Yes, our iKonvert uses the popular FTDI serial to USB chip and the LINUX and MAC OSX drivers for this chip are included in the relevant operating system’s kernel. It should appear in the operating system as a serial device named “ttyUSB0” (or similar) when plugged in to a LINUX or MAC machine.Read More →

Our iKonvert can output converted NMEA 0183 sentences or the RAW NMEA 2000 data depending upon which mode it is set to (see user manual for more details). You can either set the mode by changing the four DIP switches inside the iKonvert or you can do this programmatically by sending a serial command to the iKonvert and the unit will stay in this mode even after a power cycle.Read More →

Our iKonvert/NAVLink2 gateways make implementing NMEA 2000 much easier, with no old, proprietary libraries, just a simple serial protocol that is published online at…   https://github.com/digitalyacht/iKonvert/wiki/4.-Serial-Protocol   The gateways take care of all of the complicated address claiming, network discovery and NMEA 2000 network management, simplifying and speeding up your software implementation. Here is a link to our iKonvert Developers Guide on GitHub…   https://github.com/digitalyacht/iKonvert   You will need a copy of the NMEA 2000 Appendix B in order to decode the NMEA 2000 PGN data, which is available from the NMEA organization.   If you have not already developed software to read and writeRead More →

The firmware version is normally displayed in the top right hand section of any of the web pages….example below of the original 4G Connect “Black & White” web interface and the latest “Blue & White” web interface… The 4G Xtream only has a “Blue & White” web interface.        Read More →

The WLN10, WLN30 & NavLink2 have a built-in web interface. We have released a new web interface as well as some new functionalities. You can now filter the NMEA data and untick specific NMEA sentences which may create conflicts with some apps or software. You can also choose a specific mode for the product, for instance, you can choose the AIS mode to only send AIS and GPS data to get a better result with an app that can only accept AIS & GPS data, such as Navionics. The data monitor has also been improved and it is now easier to save the data. YouRead More →

Since the NavLink2 unit was originally released we have released a few firmware updates to improve performance and add features. The latest version is V2.00 and we would recommend this update to anyone who has an earlier version of firmware on their unit – you can see the version number in the footer of the NavLink2’s main web page. The firmware update file (NavLink2_V2-00_OTA.zip) can be downloaded from our GitHub repository by clicking here. IMPORTANT NOTE – the file you download is a compressed ZIP file, make sure you extract the binary (.bin) file inside and upload this file, not the ZIP file, otherwise you could “brick”Read More →

Since the WLN10SM unit was originally released we have released a few firmware updates to improve performance and add features. The latest version is V1.47 and we would recommend this update to anyone who has an earlier version of firmware on their unit – you can see the version number in the footer of the WLN10SM’s main web page. The firmware update can be downloaded by clicking here. IMPORTANT NOTE – the file you download is a compressed ZIP file, make sure you extract the binary (.bin) file inside and upload this file not the ZIP file, otherwise you could “brick” your WLN10SM and it will needRead More →