Product Firmware

AIT250+1000 Firmware 10 11 14 0 Zip 157.60 KB 1556

Final firmware update for our legacy Transponders AIT250 + AIT1000

IKommunicate Firmware 2017042100 Zip 1.03 MB 1658

Latest iKommunicate firmware update (21st April 2017)

AISNode+AISNet Firmware V01 50 Zip 7.76 MB 1593

Latest Receiver Firmware Update for AISNode and AISNet (units sold since Sept 2015)

IKommunicate SD Card V2 00 Zip 9.87 MB 2206

iKommunicate SD Card image including 21st April 2017 Firmware Update

AIT1500+2000+3000 Firmware V02 02 Zip 7.88 MB 675

Latest Transponder Firmware Update for AIT1500/2000/3000/Nomad (Windows Only)

STUMP Updater Program 99.26 KB 1964

Windows program (V2.8.0) to Update the firmware in our STM32 based products; iKonvert, ST-NMEA Converter and GPS160. Unzip the downloaded file and run the EXE installer file.

WL510 Latest Firmware V5.5.8 0.00 KB 612

This is the latest version of our WL510 firmware. Do not update your unit unless expressly told to by Digital Yacht, as some older units will not work with this latest firmware or will need to be fully re-configured.

WLN10SM Firmware V1.43 372.77 KB 2826

Latest firmware for our new WLN10SM Smart Wireless NMEA Server (not suitable for WLN10 or WLN10HS units). Update the firmware via the WLN10SM web interface and once successfully updated, press and hold the reset switch for >10 seconds to restore to factory defaults.

4GConnect Original Web Interface Firmware V01.14.05 10.5MB 4430

This was the last firmware update for our 4GConnect products that featured the original web interface and is common across all variants. This is an important update for any users that wish to upgrade to the new user interface or for US customers that are using the AT&T network and wish to update to the latest firmware version 07.01.02 that is needed now that AT&T have turned off their 3G service. DO NOT FORGET to unzip the binary file inside before uploading it, using the 4GConnect web interface. IMPORTANT NOTE - if your 4GConnect has an earlier version of firmware and you wish to upgrade to the new web interface, you must update to this version first and then update to version 07.01.02

4GConnect Latest Firmware V07.02.08 9.65 MB 2332

This is the latest firmware for our 4GConnect and 4GConnect Pro products and is common across all variants. This update includes the changes to support the AT&T network, which turned off 3G support in Q1/2022. We also recommend this update to all of our customers to bring them up to the latest kernel and libraries. DO NOT FORGET to unzip the binary file inside before uploading it, using the 4GConnect web interface. This update features a new web interface, and so we have published a new 4GConnect User Manual V2.00 which you can download from the "Manuals" area.

4GXtream Latest Firmware V07.06.5 19.61 MB 1967

This is the latest firmware for our 4GXtream products and is common across all variants. This update is the first major update since V07.01.02b. We recommend this update to all of our customers to bring them up to the latest kernel and libraries. DO NOT FORGET to unzip the binary file inside before uploading it, using the 4GXtream web interface.

5GXtream ROW Model Latest Firmware V07.06.5 19.61 MB 1906

This is the 5GXtream firmware and is only applicable for units sold in Europe, Australasia, South America, etc. (ROW model). This update MUST NOT be used with the model sold in North America and Canada (US model). This is the first official firmware and is only published here for firmware recovery purposes. DO NOT FORGET to unzip the binary file inside before uploading to your 5GXtream.