On the router, in Advanced mode go to SERVICES>MOBILE UTILITIES>SMS GATEWAY and check if there is a Username setup called NAVAlert….
If there is not, then create one and if there is, please set the Password to Alert123 in both boxes and click the SAVE&APPLY button.
Now open a new browser window and copy and paste the following link into the Address bar….
You should see an OK page appear and after a few seconds receive an SMS on your mobile….ignore my IP address and Mobile number which are different to yours.
This proves that the 4GXtream is configured OK for SMS.
Now let us turn our attention to the NAVAlert.
Please can you enter your mobile number pre-fixed with your country code i.e. 0033617812887 in the NAVAlert SMS field. If you have a button just to select 4GConnect or 4GXtream, then you do not have the latest firmware. You can either update your NAVAlert unit’s firmware, I will need to send this to you tomorrow as our developer is out of the office today, or you can go back to the SMS Gateway page on the 4GXtream and change the password of the NAVAlert Username to the original password = Alert and then click the Send Test SMS button.