By default, NMEA to WiFi server’ creates a wireless Access Point (hotspot) on-board your boat. The Name (SSID) of the Access Point will be “NavLink2-xxxx” or “DY-WiFi-xxxx‘, etc, depending on the product you’ve purchased, where xxxx is the unique four digit code of your device. To connect to the NMEA to WiFi server, you will need to scan for wireless networks, find and select it in the network list and then when prompted, enter the default WPA2 password, which is “PASS-xxxx”, where xxxx is the same, unique four digit code that is in the hotspot name. For instance, if you have a WLN30 and theRead More →

If you don’t receive the NMEA data on your iPad or iPhone, then you must follow this procedure: 1- Close all apps in the background or restart your device.  Always a good idea to shut down your iPad/iPhone device and then power it back up again, as this will close all background apps and ensure all of the right services are running. For more information:  2- Local Network Settings If you are using iOS 14 or higher, make sure the “Local Network” privacy settings are enabled for the app they want to use…. Go to Settings>Privacy>Local Network and make sure that the App isRead More →

If you have followed the procedure to reset the WL510 then you must follow the procedure below to reconfigure the WL510. You must download the product firmware by clicking here.   Configuration Procedure – Wireless Method After a reset, the WL510 reverts to a factory defaults state and needs to have a WL510 Configuration file uploaded to it (link above). Your WL510 currently has a fixed IP address of and is not providing Automatic DHCP IP address allocation to any devices that are connected to it. Your iNavConnect/iNavHub/iKConnect is trying to get an IP address for its WAN socket from the WL510 but isRead More →

If you have followed the procedure to reset the WL510 then you must follow the procedure below to reconfigure the WL510. You must download the product firmware by clicking here.   Configuration Procedure – Direct Cable Method After a reset the WL510 has a fixed IP address of and does not provide IP addresses to devices that connect to it automatically. Therefore you will need to connect a PC or Mac to the WL510 using a normal network Ethernet cable and set the computer you are using to temporarily use a fixed IP address of…   Fixed IP address                 =      SubnetRead More →

Here is some additional information on the modem LEDs inside the 4GConnect box. Power LED The power LED is located on the bottom left corner of the front panel, just under the power connector:   It can perform two different actions: ACTION DESCRIPTION LED turned ON Router is powered up LED turned OFF Router is not powered up Ethernet port LEDs The Ethernet port LEDs are located on the router’s front panel, under each respective Ethernet port: They represent activity happening on the router’s Ethernet ports: ACTION DESCRIPTION LED turned ON Operating as a 10/100 Mbps connection LED turned OFF No link established LED blinking Connection established and thereRead More →

If you have a good internet on your 4GConnect, but then the internet connection drops out after a period of time, then this section is for you. Also this is useful for fishermen or blue water sailors who regularly go a long way off shore and then when they return within reception range the 4GConnect does not automatically reconnect. The part below is for the 4G Connect with the black and white interface. First, make sure that “Force LTE Network” and also “Reregister” are both ticked and a time period of 300 secs – as per image below…. If that does not fix things, thenRead More →