We know how much you like to tweak, change and fiddle with settings, but sometimes it can create problems and to ensure that you can recover your iKommunicate, we have devised a simple way to reset the unit back to its original factory defaults. Only the settings will be reset, any new software update will still be applied. There are two methods to factory reset an iKommunicate. Manual Factory Reset. Click here to download the instruction. Factory Reset via Telnet. Click here to download the instruction.  Read More →

The HSC100 should be accurate to +/- 3º through the full 360º. Any nearby ferrous items that cause a deflection/deviation in the local magnetic field around the HSC100 should be calibrated out by the calibration routine detailed in the manual and also shown here in an old video I made… It is important that the calibration is carried out in the calmest of conditions possible, with minimum tide and wind effects.  Read More →

A reset is done by pressing and holding the small, recessed, push button on the side of the LANLink unit – next to the DC Jack socket. If this is pressed for between 5secs and 15secs while the unit is powered up, it will revert back to the Ethernet module’s defaults.Read More →

Since Q1/2020, iKonvert has had a number of updates and if you would like to update the firmware, this FAQ will explain the procedure. Please download a Tech Note detailing how to update the iKonvert and you have the USB version so connection to the PC is easy. Please note the additional step for iKonvert users and the Command Reference Application that they mention can be downloaded from our GitHub developers site….   https://github.com/digitalyacht/iKonvert   You can also get the V2.62 firmware from this GitHub site as well – remember to unzip it.Read More →

A coax cable has an inner wire and then the braided shield and a quick and easy way is just to strip the cable back and solder or join using terminal block the Inner wire to the Orange wire and the Outer shield to the Green wire.   However, if you want to make a nicer, more robust solution, you could get one of these…   https://www.adafruit.com/product/2889   and one of these…   https://www.mouser.com/ProductDetail/AIM-Cambridge-Cinch-Connectivity-Solutions/CPMC-88-1?qs=atelM%2FHH1ECgOOZ43uoOSg%3D%3D   Then the Orange wire would go in the + screw terminal and the Green in the – screw terminal. The BNC connector would be crimped on to the coax cableRead More →

Setting up remote access to any network that is operating on a mobile LTE (3G/4G) network is never easy, even for experienced IT engineers. Unfortunately, Digital Yacht just do not have the resources or depth of knowledge to support our customers in doing this on an individual basis. When your remote network is “hidden” inside a mobile network that abstracts all external connections to the internet, the only way to create a VPN is for the 4GConnect/4GXtream to initiate a connection to your VPN server or shared cloud server that does the data routing for you. Our 4GConnect is based on OpenWRT, which supports twoRead More →

If you have ever taken a PC onboard a boat and connected it up to a GPS via a serial or USB port then the chances are that you will probably have seen the occasional “crazy mouse” behaviour that seems to affect so many marine PCs. The cursor will suddenly start to randomly move all over the screen, opening windows and clicking on things, as if possessed by some nautical demon !   Well there is a very simple explanation for this phenomenon and it dates back to the good old Serial Port mouse that was popular on the first Windows PCs. It was theRead More →

Your PC may have gone in to power save mode and turned off the screen.   Make sure that you have set your PC’s Power Mode to High Performance and to make sure it will not power any peripherals down as detailed in the link below…   https://www.techtarget.com/searchenterprisedesktop/tip/How-to-manage-Windows-10-Power-Options-in-settingsRead More →