In the proAIS2 Diagnostics page, you will often see DSC and TX Attempt failed warnings displayed. These warnings are referring to normal AIS transponder behaviour and here is some more info on these messages… The RX 1 / RX 2 DSC start / Stop message is a completely normal message, indicating when one of the AIS receivers has started/stopped a DSC channel management listening period. Class B equipment is required to listen to channel 70 periodically (at specific times defined in the standards) for DSC channel management commands. As Class B lacks the third receiver necessary to do this full time it is achieved by occasionally switchingRead More →

The Starlink router does use the same IP address range as our NAVLink2, BUT by default NAVLink2 creates its own wireless network “NAVLink-xxxx” which is the network you need to connect to, in order to configure it. The ‘xxxx’, is a four digit code, unique to your unit, and the wireless password is “PASS-xxxx”. So if your unit is “NAVLink-A12B” then your wireless password will be “PASS-A12B” without the exclamation marks. Once connected to NAVLink2, you can access its web interface at and go to the SETTINGS page. In the wireless network section, select STATION (STA) mode and tell NAVLink2 to access your StarlinkRead More →

The Starlink router does use the same IP address range as our NAVLink2, BUT by default NAVLink2 creates its own wireless network “NAVLink-xxxx” which is the network you need to connect to, in order to configure it. The ‘xxxx’, is a four digit code, unique to your unit, and the wireless password is “PASS-xxxx”. So if your unit is “NAVLink-A12B” then your wireless password will be “PASS-A12B” without the exclamation marks. Once connected to NAVLink2, you can access its web interface at and go to the SETTINGS page. In the wireless network section, select STATION (STA) mode and tell NAVLink2 to access your StarlinkRead More →

A couple users have seen that the Supply Voltage on the Status Page is showing as around 8v but when they disconnect and test are getting 12v +. The Green Power LED is a very good indicator that the AIT5000 transponder is working correctly. The Status web page shows the default values and indicates that there is no NMEA communication between the transponder and the web browser. The most common causes of this are:- That the baud rate of NMEA 1 is not set to 38400 baud – this can be checked by using the proAIS2 software running on a laptop and connecting the AIT5000Read More →

We have had a few of our dealers and customers successfully connect the Furuno DRS4W and our NAVLink2 together, so that you have one wireless network. The Furuno DRS4W must be the wireless Access Point and you have to tell our NAVLink2 to connect to the Furuno wireless network in Station mode – this is configurable in the NAVLink2 web interface SETTINGS page. When the NAVLink2 connects to the Furuno network, you will not know what IP address it has received, so it is important that you use UDP mode for receiving the NAVLink2 data, as this works without knowing the IP address – youRead More →

Applicable to 4GXtream units with NMEA 2000 interface   In order to direct the 4GXtream’s internal GPS data to it’s internal NMEA 2000 gateway, we must create a TCP network connection between the two devices.   In the 4GXtream’s web interface go to SERVICES>GPS>GENERAL and enable the settings as shown below and click SAVE & APPPLY… Now goto SERVICES>GPS>NMEA and setup the NMEA Forwarding as shown below…. Scroll further down the page and turn on the GPRMC sentence to be transmitted every 1 second and click SAVE & APPLY… Now goto SERVICES>SERIAL UTILITIES>OVER IP and Edit the iKonvert entry. Make sure that the iKonvert isRead More →

By default, Njordlink creates a wireless Access Point (hotspot) on-board your boat. The Name (SSID) of the Access Point will be “Njordlink-xxxx”, where xxxx is the unique four digit code of your device. To connect to the Njordlink WiFi, you will need to scan for wireless networks, find and select it in the network list and then when prompted, enter the default WPA2 password, which is “PASS-xxxx”, where xxxx is the same, unique four digit code that is in the hotspot name. For instance, if the WiFi network name created is Njordlink-D4B7 then the WiFi network password is: PASS-D4B7Read More →