If you encounter an issue with AIS showing on your display (navigation software or chart Plotter) then you should follow this procedure. If you cannot display AIS targets on your Chart Plotter or VHF radio, then follow this: If you cannot display AIS targets on your navigation software or app then follow this: If you don’t have a good range, we suggest you testing with another VHF aerial to check if you have a better range. One of the most common questions we are asked by our AIS customers, is “what antenna should I use for my AIS ?”, so we thought we would post a short article to provide an answer on VHF Antenna Options for AIS. Basically there are two VHF antenna options for AIS; fit a second dedicated VHF antenna a suitable distance from the vessels main VHF antenna. Or alternatively, use the main antenna for both VHF and AIS by fitting a special device called a “Splitter”. Generally our recommendation for yacht owners who want to fit an AIS, is to use a “Zero Loss” splitter like our SPL2000. By utilising the main VHF antenna at the top of the mast, you will definitely get maximum transmit range. Plus the ease of installation often makes it a cheaper option than paying for a second antenna to be installed. However, for power boaters who do not benefit from the height advantage of using the main antenna at the top of the mast. As well as for AIS receiver owners where the splitter can often cost more than the AIS receiver itself. It is often desirable to fit a second VHF antenna. This is particularly apparent if you intend to save money by doing the antenna installation yourself. AIS operates on two dedicated channels within the marine VHF frequency range – 156.0 to 162.025 MHz. The two AIS channels are at the top end of this range namely; 161.975 and 162.025 MHz (channels 87B and 88B). Most VHF antennas are designed to give maximum gain across the whole VHF frequency range centred on Channel 16 (156.8 MHz). Pretty much all of the antenna manufacturers now produce “AIS Tuned” antennas. These have their centre frequency shifted from Channel 16 to 162Mhz (exactly half way between the two AIS frequencies). If you choose to mount your AIS antenna on the stern rail of a yacht or radar arch of a power boat. Then using an “AIS tuned” antenna is a good idea. This will allow you to get an extra bit of gain. Thus compensating for the antenna being effectively at deck level. The graph above shows how the tuning of the antenna to 162MHz gives it an extra boost in VSWR (gain) across the two AIS frequencies. Which ever option you choose, having AIS on your boat will without doubt make your sailing experiences safer. As well as less stressful in poor visibility or when crossing busy shipping lanes. Even a simple receiver with a small whip antenna at deck level is effective. Allowing you to keep informed of what ships are around and which ones you need to keep an eye on. The AIS system works on two channels in the VHF frequency range and in order to receive or transmit AIS information it is necessary for the AIS unit to be connected to a VHF antenna. One option is to fit a VHF splitter such as our SPL2000, which allows both the VHF radio and the AIS to use the boat’s main VHF antenna. The other option is to fit a second VHF antenna which is then just connected to the AIS. Any VHF antenna can be used, although some antennas are “AIS tuned” to get maximum gain on the two AIS channels and also have a BNC type connector fitted (common on AIS units), rather than the traditional PL259 VHF connector. If you decide to fit an additional VHF antenna for the AIS, you want to mount it as high as possible but you should be aware that it cannot be mounted right next to the existing VHF antenna and a certain amount of separation must be maintained to avoid the 25 watts of transmit power from your VHF radio going straight in to the AIS receiver circuitry, potentially damaging it. The diagram below shows the recommended minimum separation of the antennas.I cannot display AIS targets
1 – Issue with a Chart Plotter/VHF Radio
2 – Issue with a Navigation Software / App
I don’t have a good AIS range
AIS Transmission/Reception depends on the AIS Class
If you don’t have a good range
Which VHF antenna for an AIS?
AIS + VHF Antenna Separation