If you have ever taken a PC onboard a boat and connected it up to a GPS via a serial or USB port then the chances are that you will probably have seen the occasional “crazy mouse” behaviour that seems to affect so many marine PCs. The cursor will suddenly start to randomly move all over the screen, opening windows and clicking on things, as if possessed by some nautical demon !   Well there is a very simple explanation for this phenomenon and it dates back to the good old Serial Port mouse that was popular on the first Windows PCs. It was theRead More →

Your PC may have gone in to power save mode and turned off the screen.   Make sure that you have set your PC’s Power Mode to High Performance and to make sure it will not power any peripherals down as detailed in the link below…   https://www.techtarget.com/searchenterprisedesktop/tip/How-to-manage-Windows-10-Power-Options-in-settingsRead More →