Here is the V1.0.7 update for your NAVAlert.   Inside the ZIP file are two binary files, please extract the two files to an easy to access location on your computer. You will need to repeat the update process for each file.   Wirelessly connect to the NAVAlert and bring up the web interface at http://navalert.local or   Goto the SETTINGS page and scroll down till you see the Firmware Update section. Click the Choose File button and browse your computer to find the binary file – NAVAlert_OTA_V1_07F.bin   It is very important that you upload the file that ends in F first andRead More →

On the router, in Advanced mode go to SERVICES>MOBILE UTILITIES>SMS GATEWAY and check if there is a Username setup called NAVAlert…. If there is not, then create one and if there is, please set the Password to Alert123 in both boxes and click the SAVE&APPLY button.   Now open a new browser window and copy and paste the following link into the Address bar….   You should see an OK page appear and after a few seconds receive an SMS on your mobile….ignore my IP address and Mobile number which are different to yours. This proves that the 4GXtream is configured OK forRead More →

By default, NMEA to WiFi server’ creates a wireless Access Point (hotspot) on-board your boat. The Name (SSID) of the Access Point will be “NavLink2-xxxx” or “DY-WiFi-xxxx‘, etc, depending on the product you’ve purchased, where xxxx is the unique four digit code of your device. To connect to the NMEA to WiFi server, you will need to scan for wireless networks, find and select it in the network list and then when prompted, enter the default WPA2 password, which is “PASS-xxxx”, where xxxx is the same, unique four digit code that is in the hotspot name. For instance, if you have a WLN30 and theRead More →